Salt and Light in the city 2009

     We have just finished with our 'Salt and Light' project in Hunedoara, and saw God's blessing in abundance over the various practical evangelism projects that took place over the course of the week. We were able to reach out to many with the love and grace of Christ, and were encouraged to see lives changed!

     This year for Salt and Light, we were joined by only 2 'foreign teams', but both were an amazing blessing, and them combined with our Romanian volunteers, were able to lead and run a number of great outreach projects over the course of the week:

     Sports Outreach – Along with a mixed team of volunteers from England (most from Leeds), we ran a 'Superhero' themed sports outreach in the courtyards of two different schools in Hunedoara. Each morning and afternoon we would gather with about 70 kids for a large group game, followed by a time of songs and a 'superhero' lesson, and then more football, volleyball and basketball. On the Saturday the week culminated in a 'sports fun day' for all the kids together, including races, tournaments, face painting, balloon animals, and a look at JESUS – the ultimate super hero!

     Spa and Beauty – A few of the ladies from the English team also helped us to run our annual spa and beauty project, based here at the centre, each afternoon during Salt and Light. Women and girls could come in for a haircut, manicure/pedicure or massage, and also have the chance to hear a bit more about how Jesus wants to care for them.

     Clean City – For 3 mornings, kids and young people from the Centre, together with a group of volunteers, went out around the local neighbourhoods picking up trash, and inviting people on the streets to attend the evangelistic services in the evenings. The kids from the day centre were very keen to get involved in the clean up, and it was a great witness to those around!

     Holiday Club/Vacation Bible School – Every afternoon, the young people from Maranatha Church, ran a special program for kids from all over the city. Each day involved a sketch, games, songs, Bible story and craft, with about 80 kids attending each day.

     Dental Project – Once again we were priviledged to have a team of Romanian dentist volunteer their time to give dental treatment to kids from Hunedoara. A local dental clinic volunteered their space, so that our Christian dentists could work and serve local residents, offering treatment and consultation for free, while also having people present to share with patients about the Gospel.

     Sewing Classes – This year we were again blessed with the presence of our friends from the US, who taught our local women and girls how to sew! Everyone who came left with something homemade and very practical – denim purses or beach bags, slippers etc. The project was held on the top floor of the centre, and was often short on space as there were so many young women wanting to come and learn!

     Evening Evangelism Projects – For the last four nights of the Salt and Light week, we rented out the Sider Hall and had some very special evangelistic events. For the first two nights, a drama company came along, and together with local Christians, presented a very powerful drama called 'The gates of Heaven and the flames of Hell' that expressed to people the importance of giving their lives to Christ. The following two evenings involved times of worship and prayer, as well as an evangelistic speaker. We were pleased and excited to see how God was working in the hearts of many who attended these services.